Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Burma Visa, Day 2

Today we picked up our visas to Burma (Myanmar). Actually we picked up our passports with the visas placed in them. The embassy opened precisely at 3pm, the time they said to get there. There were no problems getting the visa, other than figuring out which line to stand in. They made an announcement about which line to stand in but it was so garbled, we couldn't even tell in which language the announcement was made. The visa even has our photo in it. Pretty neat. While standing in line we met a couple who said they were from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. They never said "Eh" so we think they were only pretending to be Canadians.

On the way back from picking up our visa Laura had an attack that called for American food, so we stopped at McDonald's. As we were sitting by the window we noticed all the sandbags were still piled up next to the window.

McDonald's had three types of sauces: American Ketchup, Tomato Sauce and Chili Sauce. We chose the ketchup. Jim had the grilled pork burger and Laura had the basic cheeseburger, fries and coke zero. A good American meal, with lots of fat and salt.

From McDonald's we walked to the subway and took the subway part way back to the hotel. When we got above ground from the subway we heard "The Mickey Mouse Club Song" being played.
We listened to them play other songs, but their best song was "The Mickey Mouse Club Song".

The mall where we got off the subway and heard the band playing is where we transfer from the subway to a bus to get to our hotel. So, after getting off the subway we decided to go to the bathroom, and discovered the most unique signs indicating which was men's and which was women's.

Laura managed to Skype with all her kids today, so she is really happy.

1 comment:

  1. Funny bathroom pictures! I am loving all the pictures. I'm glad you figured out how to add them to the blog.
