Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Songkan - Lao New Year

Lao new year is celebrated every year from April 13 to 15. This afternoon from our hotel room we could hear music and singing so Laura decided to investigate. After half an hour Laura came back to the hotel soaking wet. She had found the party. It was at the Lao National Theater and it was a party the afternoon before the staff headed home to their villages for New Year. The theater people played music,sung, drank and danced the afternoon away. The party ended at 5pm as the people left for their homes.

We only stayed for about an hour. But, it was long enough to be completely drenched.

As Wikipedia put it "Tourists that plan to travel to Laos during the New Year are advised to be prepared to be soaked. This has an important role in Laotian culture - they are not only wishing a long and healthy life for themselves, they are also wishing the same for others."

1 comment:

  1. Laura,

    I love your blog and pictures. It looks like you are having a wonderful trip. We are posting the summer school schedule and wondered if you were interested in teaching this summer. If you could email Bob back it would be great at breavis@allencc.edu. I miss you and look forward to seeing you when you get back.

